Andelain Zantorian

Proven sire of

Welsh Cobs and Part Breeds

Breed your own Quality Welsh cob or Part Bred

We are privileged to be able to offer such a high quality stallion Andelain Zantorian for Breeders to breed their own top quality Welsh Cob or Part Bred.

Photo Credit Michelle Shephard

Photo Credit Michelle Shephard

Photo Credit Michelle Shephard

Versatile Welsh Cobs

Welsh pony and cobs are know for their beauty, superb temperament and versatility. The welsh cob has been aply described as ‘the best ride and drive animal in the world’. Cobs embody strength, hardiness and agility, with a wonderful temperament. The Welsh cob has evolved through the centauries and is known for his courage, tractability and powers of endurance. The Welsh Cob is a good hunter and a most competent performer in all equine sports. In recent years the cob has had great success in the international driving world (Welsh Pony and Cob Society Australia).

Photo Credit Kate Bohan

Part Bred Welsh

Part Welsh animals have a minimum of 12.5% Welsh blood and are eligible for registration in the part welsh register.

Welsh Cob blood is eagerly sought for out crossing with a range of breeds. The infusion of Welsh blood has given the resultant offspring stamina, a strong constitution, superb bone, courage and the ability to tackle any task. These part welsh animals maintain the excellent temperament of the welsh cobs and excel in all disciplines (Welsh Cob and Pony Society Australia).

All of Andelain Zantorian’s foals are eligible to be registered by the Welsh Cob and Pony Society of Australia.

part bred Dressage

Macy Charles on Pondaih Mystery